Where’s the best place to buy TUNISAIR EXPRESS tickets?
We offer you multiple ways to purchase your Tunisair Express ticket such as Tunisair sales points, travel agencies or via the call center. Feel free to use the method that suits you best.
Online Booking
One place you’re guaranteed to find our lowest prices is www.tunisairexpress.net With our booking platform, you can book your ticket with ease.
If you prefer to purchase your ticket with our help, please contact us via the call center +216 70 101 300. We’re there to help 24/7.
Our points of sale are another great source of personalized service. Please head to one of TUNISAIR EXPRESS points of sale and book your ticket at the best price.
You can also purchase your ticket at one of the TUNISAIR points of sale.
TUNISAIR EXPRESS facilitates your booking by allowing you to buy your plane ticket from any travel agency.
Before booking
When you are about to make a booking, please make sure you have all the information needed, which are:
- One-way or round-trip flight.
- Travel dates back and forth.
- Travel class.
- Number of people scheduled for the trip.
- Full names of travelers. (As mentioned in their passport)
- Birth dates for babies (under 2 years), for children (under 12), youths (under 25), and students.
- Your mobile phone number in your country of residence and in your destination.
- Your requests for special meals (within the limit of the choice offered by the company)
In addition, a computerized reference of your booking will be provided. This reference should be indicated when buying the ticket and when checking in at the airport.

If you make your booking through a TUNISAIR EXPRESS agency or via the call center, and wish to make some modifications, please contact us via our call center at +216 70 10 13 00. We’re committed to helping you find the solution that suits you best. Any modification made to a reservation before the ticket is issued is free. If the ticket has already been issued, a change fee may be claimed. In order to validate your change, your interlocutor will ask you to go to the nearest TUNISAIR EXPRESS point of sale.

If you make your booking in a TUNISAIR EXPRESS agency or via the call center and wish to cancel, please can contact us via the call center at +216 70 10 13 00.
Any cancellation of a booking before the ticket has been issued is free. If the ticket has already been issued, a cancellation fee may be claimed. Your contact will inform you and ask you to go to the nearest TUNISAIR EXPRESS point of sale to obtain your refund.
70 101 300
10, Rue de l’Artisanat charguia II Tunis